September LSIC Meeting Agenda and Minutes here


NOVEMBER 20, 2024 

⚫LSIC Training Video 

• Old Business 

• Academic Performance and FOCUS Plan discussion 

o Academic Performance 

。 GSA Scores Results/ Focus Plan 

o Parent/Stakeholders Comments 

• Needs List 

o Concerns for school 

o Top priorities for Students 

• Safety Reports 

o Accident Reports 

o Fire Drills 

o Code Red Drills 

• General Suggestions/Other Concerns 


NOVEMBER 20, 2024 


ATTENDEES: E. Hupp, D. Scritchfield, C. Hood, A. Waskey, K. Michael, B. Chambers, M. Titus 

Call to order by President A. Waskey 

⚫LSIC training video 

Old Business 

~E. Floyd and E. Hupp continuing research on playground equipment 



Motion made by K. Michael (parent) to accept September LSIC meeting minutes. Seconded by D. Scritchfield 

•New Business 

~Academic Performance and FOCUS Plan discussion/Parent Comments 

*2023-24 GSA results per grade level and subject (Reading, Math, Science) 

• GOAL #1 Communication-school website 

。 Slack Used for Classroom Teachers 

。 Webpage and Dojo for Parents 

Parents feel need more info on webpage as many didn't realize we have one. 

Parents feel communication is better and feel welcomed to school 

• GOAL #2 Improve ELA accountability 

o Parents commented that they liked the evaluation of data and data 


o Parents would like to see more enrichment/intervention sessions for high 

level students 

。 Parents concerned with class size as many have volunteered in 3rd grade 

and concerned with kid to teacher ratio. 

o Parents feel need more interventionist Title I 

• GOAL #3 Improve Mathematical accountability with data/actions and core o Parents commented that they liked the evaluation of data and data 


。 Parents would like to see more enrichment/intervention sessions for high 

level students 

o Parents concerned with class size as many have volunteered in 3rd grade 

and concerned with kid to teacher ratio. 

。 Parents feel need more interventionist Title I 

• GOAL #4 *Attendance concerns - 94.34% for RGS 

o Parents were concerned regarding attendance issues 

o Parents questioned using reward systems to encourage attendance o Discussed staff calls home and incentive programs utilized here at the 

school with chronic absence students. 


• New Playground equipment 

• Painting of doors/building exterior 

• Signage with lights to help beautify school 


*Fifth grade hall door-ordered for replacement 

*Fire Drills-4 to date 

*Lockdown drill- 1 to date 

*Code Red-Shield Coordinator Speece will be visiting for evacuation drill/rally points for each Grade level 


*Kitchen refrigerator-ordered for replacement 

*Interactive White Boards/Smartboards ---installation 

March LSIC