Kenna Elementary School
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
275 Business Park Drive
Kenna, WV 25248
Meeting #3
March 11, 2025
1. Introductions
2. Safety
a. Code Red Buttons
b. Code Red Drills
c. Fire Drills
3. Quarterly Topics
a. Classroom Behavior and Discipline
b. Attendance
4. Academic Progress
a. Third Grade Success Act
b. iReady EOY Dates
c. WVGSA Upcoming Dates
5. BOE Designated Project List Update
a. Promethean Boards
b. Storage Buildings
c. Sensory Room
6. Upcoming Dates
a. 5th Grade and Kindergarten Graduation
b. Field Day
c. 5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball
d. Talent Show
7. Strategic Plan
Kenna Elementary School
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
275 Business Park Drive
Kenna, WV 25248
March 11, 2025
Meeting #3 Minutes
Mrs. Goff had everyone introduce themselves who was in attendance. Julie Banton, Nemo Boggess, Julia Boggess, Nancy Anderson, and Jessica Stryker.
Code Red Buttons
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that the code red buttons were installed over Christmas break. The students have already completed one code red drill with the new use of the code red sirens. There are two buttons (one in the office and one in the hallway) that will activate the sirens and call 911. Each class was brought down and were talked to about the importance of the button and what it does, as well as when the only time they are allowed to press it.
Code Red Drills
Kenna has completed 3 code red drills. There will be one more code red drill and it is scheduled for April 14th.
Fire Drills
Kenna has completed 8 fire drills this year, one each month. They have another fire drill scheduled for March 12th, as well as April 3rd and May 1st.
Quarterly Topics
Classroom Behavior and Discipline
Students are responding well to the daily behavior calendars. We are changing up the rewards and doing more craft based activities, which students seem to like. If the students have an excused absence they are allowed to be below the required number of days.
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that each child can have 5 parent excuses per semester. It is essential that students come to school so they can receive instruction and make academic progress. She reminded parents that there are no educational leave excuses.
Academic Progress
Third Grade Success Act
Mrs. Goff discussed what the HB 3035/Third Grade Success Act was and that it will be fully implemented beginning the 26-27 school year. From the BOY diagnostic we had 33 students in reading and 32 students in math who were a part of HB 3035. After the MOY diagnostic we now have 29 students in reading and 25 students in math as a part of HB 3035.
iReady EOY Dates
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware of the tentative scheduled EOY iReady dates:
-April 8th- K, 1st, and 2nd Reading
-April 9th- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Reading
-April 10th- K, 1st, and 2nd Math
-April 15th- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Math
WVGSA Upcoming Dates
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware of the tentative schedule for GSA testing:
-May 6th- 4th and 5th Writing
-May 8th- 5th Science and 3rd Writing
-May 13th- 4th and 5th Reading
-May 14th- 3rd Reading and 5th Math
-May 15th- 3rd and 4th Math
BOE Designated Project List Update
Promethean Boards
Mrs. Goff told them we asked for five promethean boards, which will help lead to engaging learning activities and create more hands-on lessons for students.
Storage Buildings
We asked for two storage buildings to help store extra supplies (such as desk and chairs) so we can utilize our extra rooms for instructional purposes.
Sensory Room
Special education is going to help with funding this room and we have discussed possible fundraisers in the future.
Upcoming Dates
5th Grade and Kindergarten Graduation
-5th grade graduation is on May 29th (in the evening)
-Kindergarten graduation is May 27th at 6:00pm
Field Day
-May 23rd
5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball
-May 16th at 1:00
Talent Show
-May 19th at 9:30
Strategic Plan
Working on increasing parent/family involvement (doing an AR night during the 4th nine weeks), providing more opportunities for student leadership roles, and really diving deep into creating small goals each month for teachers to work with their students. Teachers are given a monthly teaching strategy focus. By the end of the year this will help the teachers be able to provide extra support and guidance for all learners in the classroom.
Meeting began at 5:01.
Meeting ended at 5:12.
Kenna Elementary School
Meeting #2
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
275 Business Park Drive
Kenna, WV 25248
November 19, 2024
Everyone in attendance went around and introduced themselves. In attendance was Andrea Goff, Julia Boggess, Nemo Boggess, Robin Chancey, Julie Banton, Ivy Williams. Nancy Anderson, Jessica Carpenter, Melissa Bias, and Kylee Philaw.
LSIC Required Video
Everyone in attendance watched the state required LSIC training video.
3. Designated Project Needs List
Mrs. Goff went over what the BOE funded last year from the designated project needs list. We discussed the need of an ice maker, awning out back for when it is raining, and a sensory room for the school. Mrs. Goff told everyone that if they think of any other ideas to please let her know.
The concern was discussed that Kenna does not have a code red button/siren system installed. Mrs. Goff made everyone aware of how they currently relay information for a code red and what the expectations are. Mrs. Goff told everyone that she was made aware a code red system was going to be installed this year but was not sure when exactly it would be.
Shield Program
Mrs. Goff updated everyone that Mr. Speece has been at the school checking the sign in sheets to ensure police officers are coming to Kenna. Discussion was made that the students like seeing the police and they feel comfortable with them because they interact with the students.
Monthly Safety Checklist
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that each monthly safety checklist is completed Ms. Janie and Mrs. Goff. We are up to date and there are no areas of concern.
Code Red Drills
We have had two code red drills. One code red drill was an evacuation for the fourth grade classrooms.
Fire Drills
We have had four fire drills to date and are going to have the fifth one this week.
School Topics
Middle of the year benchmark for iready is coming up the second and third week of December. Students who achieve personal growth from the beginning of the year benchmark to middle of the year will earn a reward.
Parental Expectations for Student Academic Progress
Mrs. Goff expects parents to read with their students every night and complete homework with them. The pizza hut “Book It” program was brought up to see if we were able to take part of it. Mrs. Chancey is going to look into it for the whole school.
Classroom Behavior and Discipline
PBIS/Schoolwide Calendar
Parents had concerns about students who were having poor behavior not getting rewarded. It was discussed to make the behavior calendar for younger students, sections of the day, instead of just one whole circle for the day.
Strategic/FOCUS Plan
Mrs. Goff’s Goals for the Year
Mrs. Goff shared that she makes two goals at the beginning of each year. This year she is wanting to increase the number the of students who are on grade level for iready (both reading and math) and decrease the number of students who are one to three years below grade level. She also made another girl to send home seven newsletters to parents that provides different activities (grade level based) that they can do at home to help with spelling, reading, writing, and math skills.
Meeting Dates for the Year
Meeting dates for the rest of year are February 11th (at BOE), and April 22nd. Meetings will begin at 6:00pm, except for February 11th at the BOE.
Meeting began at 6:00pm
Meeting ended at 6:39pm
Kenna Elementary School
Meeting #1
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
275 Business Park Drive
Kenna, WV 25248
September 4, 2024
and Introductions
Mrs. Goff had everyone sign in and share who they were, what grade they taught, or what grade their child was. (Andrea Goff, Susan Curry, Robin Chancey, Julie Banton, Kylee Philyah, Melissa Bias, and Jessica Carpenter)
Meeting made public through flyer, newsletters, Thrillshare text, DOJO, and school website
Mrs. Goff went over how she communicated the meeting for this evening. She shared on classroom and school newsletter, Thrillshare text, posted on DOJO, and the flyer was on the website, as well as sent home with every student.
Policy/WV State Code
Mrs. Goff went over the codes (listed below) and made everyone aware of the expectations and deadlines of the LSIC.
WV Code 18-5A-2
Title 126, Series 11A-LSICs: Engaging Parents, Families, Students, Business and Community in Education (2200)
Nomination of Officers
Chair- Julie Banton was nominated by Susan Curry
Vice Chair- Robin Chancey was nominated by Susan Curry
Secretary- Susan Curry was nominated by Robin Chancey
Election of Officers
Chair- Julie Banton was elected
Vice Chair- Robin Chancey was elected
Secretary- Susan Curry was elected
Meeting began at 6:00pm
Meeting ended at 6:07pm
Kenna Elementary School
Meeting #1
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
275 Business Park Drive
Kenna, WV 25248
September 4, 2024
Everyone went around the room and introduced themselves (Andrea Goff, Susan Curry, Robin Chancey, Julie Banton, Kylee Philyaw, Melissa Bias, and Jessica Carpenter)
Update on the HVAC
Mrs. Goff gave an update on the HVAC. A compressor went out over summer break and Train was working on getting the new compressor installed. The air has been working, with some days/different rooms being hot or too cold. When a problem occurs, Mrs. Goff or Janie Scarberry notifies the maintenance department. The HVAC is doing a lot better than in the past.
Update on Designated Project Needs List (23-24)
Last year the BOE granted Kenna Elementary with three different things from our Project Needs list. A safety window has been installed in the front office, and the community loves it! Our computer lab is being updated as a Mac Lab. The software/equipment has been placed on back order twice, but everything has been ordered. We were also granted a new copy machine. We have not received it yet but should soon. Mrs. Goff reminded everyone to be thinking of some new things to put on this year’s Project Needs List.
Shield Program
Mrs. Goff shared that the Shield Program with Jackson County Schools is continuing. We have officers in the building very often. They are required to sign in and out. With this program they are required to have two hours of work in the schools. The kids love seeing the cops and they do a wonderful job with talking to them and being mentors.
Monthly Safety Checklist
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that her and the custodian walk through the building each month and complete a safety checklist. Mrs. Goff turns this into the Assistant Superintendent, Tim Brown.
Code Red Drills
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that they complete four code red drills a year, one for each nine weeks. One of the code red drills she tries to have a law enforcement officer here to check the building as well with her to ensure everything is being done correctly or what could be changed to ensure the safety of the students and staff.
Fire Marshal Report (23-24)
Mrs. Goff went over some different findings from last year’s fire marshal report. Most of the findings dealt with electrical things that the maintenance department has already fixed.
Beginning of the Year Counseling Plan (Susan Curry)
Ms. Curry went over this year’s counseling plan with everyone, and they approved it.
School Topics
Parent/Student Handbook
Mrs. Goff reminded everyone that the parent/student handbook is online and if they needed a copy, to notify the office and they will print and send home a copy.
Title 1 Compact
Mrs. Goff made everyone aware that we are Title 1 school, and a compact is to be sent home every year. A compact was sent home at the beginning of the school year and if they have any questions to feel free to ask. She reminded everyone that Title 1 is federally funded and there are requirements, such as family engagement nights that will be occurring throughout the school year.
Classroom Behavior and Discipline
PBIS/Schoolwide Calendar
This year we are doing a schoolwide behavior calendar. Students are responding well to it. At the end of the month, students who earn enough “green days” get a dance party with prizes for the month of September.
Academic Progress (23-24 GSA Data Results)
Mrs. Goff went over the 23-24 GSA data results with everyone in attendance. 57.66% were proficient in reading and 52.66% of students were proficient in math. This is the highest percentage of students proficient in math in the last 10 years. This is the third highest percentage proficient in reading in the last 10 years.
Parental Expectations for Student Academic Progress
Mrs. Goff went over that parents should be reading with their child every night and going over any academic skills to help them succeed.
Strategic/FOCUS Plan
Mrs. Goff shared the 24-25 Strategic/FOCUS plan with everyone. Her goals are to increase reading and math iReady scores, maintain communication and hold staff to high expectations and standards, improve attendance, and cultivate professional growth. Mrs. Goff and Ms. Curry have been working and brainstorming on how they want to increase attendance and accountability for the students and parents.
Meeting Dates for the Year
Meeting dates for this year are November 19th, February 11th (at BOE), and April 22nd. Meetings will begin at 6:00pm, except for February 11th at the BOE.
Meeting began at 6:07pm
Meeting ended at 6:47pm