May 17, 2023
Payton Dale, Ms. West Virginia Country Roads visited HJK this week. She read stories to the students and talked with them about the importance of being kind, and her experiences a...

March 29, 2023
The Easter Bunny visited HJK today. He brought each child, a book, craft, milk, and cookies. All the children had an excellent time. A big thanks to the HJK PTO for organizing s...

March 17, 2023
The leprechaun's were up to their usual shenanigans this St. Patricks Day at HJK. The students had a good time investigating what happened at our school today. ...

March 1, 2023
The students at HJK enjoyed Green Eggs and Ham for breakfast this morning. A big thanks to our great cooks who always prepare a delicious meal for our students.

February 7, 2023
Kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school today, by completing various reading, and math activities about the number 100. All the students and teachers had a good time. ...

January 30, 2023
Kindergarten students did the Arctic animal science experiment last week. Students predicted whether fat or "blubber" helped keep arctic animals warm. The students concluded that ...

January 5, 2023
Mrs. Sharp's class was rewarded for their great attendance during the month of December.

December 16, 2022
The student's here at HJK have been completing various holiday related educational lessons this week. Please enjoy the pictures from all the fun times we had this week. ...

December 16, 2022
Santa came and visited HJK this week. We would like to think Santa and all of his helpers for making his visit possible it was a huge success.

December 14, 2022
Mrs. Hinzman's Class recently completed a December STEM challenge. They were given 25 gumdrops and 25 toothpicks and they had to build a Christmas tree and a house. They did a gre...

December 9, 2022
Mrs. Hinzman's Class Recently Finished Learning About the Human Body by completing various stations. The students enjoyed learning about this topic.

December 9, 2022
HJK staff and students gave back to the community that has given so much to us last night. Staff gathered at the park and gave out free books to all the students that came though....

December 6, 2022
These students had perfect attendance for the month of November. Way to go guys and gals!

December 2, 2022
Our 2nd grade students and teachers would like to think Read Aloud of Jackson County for the Mercy Watson books they have provided. We can't wait to begin reading.

November 7, 2022
The HJK T-shirt fundraiser will run from Monday, November 7th to Friday, November 18th. No late orders will be accepted. If you have any questions please call the school at 304-2...
November 4, 2022
The students in Mrs. Hinzman's 1st grade class has been learning all about the system's of the human body. Today they presented their projects about the human body to the rest of ...

November 1, 2022
These students had perfect attendance for the month of October. Way to go guys and gals!

November 1, 2022
HJK would like to thank RvHS teacher Cindy Carmichael for her role in the development and implementation of our mentoring program, “BIGS & Littles”. This mentoring program will e...

October 28, 2022
The National Humane Educational Society visited HJK yesterday to discuss with the students the proper way to care for cats and dogs. They also discussed with the children the step...

October 28, 2022
Thanks everyone that came out and watched the HJK Halloween parade. The students and the staff had a great time. ...