Today, the West Virginia Department of Education congratulated Evans Elementary School as a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School! Evans is among only 297 schools across the United States to receive this honor. The distinction recognizes overall academic performance or progress toward closing achievement gaps is student subgroups.
Jackson County Superintendent, Will Hosaflook , stopped by to congratulate the students on their hard work. Mr. Howery, Director of Elementary Education ,was also on hand to talk to the students about the benefits of always doing their best. Mrs. Doss, Evans Elementary Principal, presented the students with ice cream treats for all their efforts. The staff also enjoyed a wonderful cake. It was a great day to be an Evans Elementary Staff member and student!
Evans received National Blue Ribbon School in 2015 also! We have such a wonderful school. Congratulations to all of the teachers, support staff, students, parents and community. Well done!