Evans Elementary has been celebrating National School Counseling Week. The week is designed to raise awareness of the importance of helping students reach their highest potential. Our awesome school counselor, Ashley Howery, has designed many opportunities that the students can participate in to celebrate the week. Ms. Ashley also provides classroom guidance lessons that take place throughout the year to address topics such as making friends, career awareness, and resolving conflict. During this week, students had "Mellow Monday," where they wore their pajamas to school to relieve stress and lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone). "Sweat Pants Tuesday" was also popular where students were taught to be positive and to not sweat the small stuff. What a great week! Also in store for the students this week is "Well-done Wednesday, where they will discuss things that they're happy about or bring them joy, "Thoughtful Thursday" where the focus is on spreading kindness and performing thoughtful acts, and "Future Friday" where students think about what they may want to be when they grow up or what school they may wish to attend some day. What a fun week! Thank you, Ms. Ashley for all you do!
Celebrating National School Counseling Week
February 7, 2024